Hi! I’m Pedro Tarroso and this is my personal blog. I’m currently a postdoc at CIBIO-InBio working on subjects related to evolution, ecology and landscape genetics. I develop my research on the Biodeserts group which means I work mostly on arid landscapes. I’m also collaborating with Carranza’s lab to disentangle the intricate patterns of the Pristurus rupestris complex in the Arabian Hajar Mountains.

In my past research I had also the opportunity to work on broad biodiversity patterns and how they can be impacted by the changing climate. I have done research related to past climate change but also related to the potential impact on biodiversity of the current warming trend. Research related to macroecology is of great interest to me. Every time I have a chance, I like to work on this topic at different spatial scales.

Parallel to biology, I love programming and have been coding in Python and R for most of my research. I have developed some applications, packages and plugins that you can find in this website and my personal GitHub account. I could say I work on bioinformatics particularly focused on biodiversity informatics topic.

However, most of my research have been linked by a strong component of spatial analyses, so, at the end, I should say I’m a spatial ecologist, whatever it really means!

This blog is meant to be a place to advertise my software and publications but also a way to share the knowledge I’ve been acquiring during my research. It will be, mostly, technical related knowledge: how to use the software, some tips on programming, etc. Once in a while I might post something less technical but science related.

All images in this website are my own, except if otherwise credited.